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News Coverage and Releases

Press Category: In the News

In the News

France’s ‘Non’ to the Notion of ‘Sex Work’ Is a Blow Against the Exploitation of Women

In this op-ed for TruthDig, CATW board member Janice Raymond celebrates the passage of France's new prostitution law.


In the News

An Evolution from Selling “Sex Tips” to Selling Porn: Cosmopolitan Joins Forces with the Porn Industry

In this blog post, our executive director discusses how Cosmo has been promoting the porn industry.


In the News

CATW ED Responds to August Editorial in ‘The Lancet’

As Amnesty International's ICM geared up in Dublin, "The Lancet" published an editorial proclaiming agreement with Amnesty's policy on "sex work." In a letter finally published on Nov. 28, 2015, our executive director responds.


In the News

The Framing of Gender Apartheid: Amnesty International and Prostitution

In this HuffPost op-ed, our executive director weighs the consequences of Amnesty's policy in support of full decriminalization of the sex trade.


In the News

70 Years After V-J Day, Still No Honor for Japanese Empire’s ‘Comfort Women’

In this TruthDig piece, CATW board member Janice Raymond makes the connections between the human trafficking of "comfort women" and the systems of prostitution of today.


In the News

NYT Room For Debate: Should Prostitution Be a Crime?

CATW executive director makes the case for the Equality Model in the New York Times Opinion Page's Room for Debate.


In the News

Amnesty International: Not in Our Name

CATW board member Janice Raymond discusses the human rights organization's proposed policy on full decriminalization of the sex trade in this OpEdNews.com piece.


In the News

‘If You Build It, They Will Come’: The Survivor Clinic Tackles Sex Trafficking in NYC

In the second of a three-part Huff Post contributor series, our executive director interviews Dr. Julia Geynisman, founder of the Survivor Clinic.


In the News

Germany Wins the Title of ‘Bordello of Europe’: Why Doesn’t Angela Merkel Care?

In this HuffPost piece, our executive director interviews Dr. Ingeborg Kraus who initiated a petition calling on Germany to change its laws on prostitution.


In the News

Canada’s New Sex Trade Law

CATW board member Janice Raymond's editorial in OpEdNews.com sheds light on the importance of Canada's new sex trade law.


In the News

Targeting Sex Buyers, Not Sex Sellers: Arresting Demand for Prostitution

Our executive director is quoted in this Independent Lens article.


In the News

#BeComplete: 5 inspiring people show us how

CATW-AP's Jean Enriquez is one of the five inspiring people featured in this Rappler article.


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  • PO Box 7160, JAF Station, New York, NY 10116 USA
  • 212.643.9895
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