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Giving Hope and Continuing the Fight — Celebrating World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

A 2013 United Nations General Assembly Resolution designated July 30 as World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, a day to raise awareness about human trafficking as well as to promote and protect victims’ rights. Since then, every year on July 30, many stand in solidarity to remind governments around the world of their commitments to fight this crime.

Here at CATW, we take this stand every day. We collaborate with survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) to ensure that policymakers will hear their powerful and critical voices. As part of an international abolitionist movement, we endeavor to change laws to better serve victims and prosecute their exploiters. We urge governments to uphold their pledged obligations under the 1949 Convention, the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish the Trafficking of Others (known as the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol or the Palermo Protocol). CATW also seeks to end the male demand for prostitution that fuels the exploitative sex trade, and to create a more equal world for women and girls. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons gives the opportunity to connect with individuals around the world interested in learning about the horrific realities of human trafficking and CSE.

Two years ago, the UNODC created the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons #IGiveHope campaign to raise awareness about human trafficking and to give hope to victims. This year, they have focused on creating dialogue between all global stakeholders around the vulnerabilities and exploitation suffered by every trafficking victim. They are promoting this third World Day as an opportunity for the world to reflect on our shared responsibilities and to show solidarity with victims. CATW is joining this dialogue by keeping the #IGiveHope hashtag alive. On our Facebook page this week we have been sharing images of our heart-shaped hands. Tagged with #IGiveHope, the images also share the reasons we fight to end the trafficking and CSE of women and girls. Check out our photos and consider sharing your own. Together, we can join this year’s global conversation and certify that we all do our part to ensure that all women and girls realize their fundamental right to live free from violence and discrimination.

Thumbnail Credit: FreeImages.com/Andre Larsson





  • © 2025 Coalition Against Trafficking Women
  • PO Box 7160, JAF Station, New York, NY 10116 USA
  • 212.643.9895
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